
Language Canada – Mission

Language Canada – Mission 

The mission of Language Canada aims at creating an English learning environment that fosters students to become:
  1. An effective communicator
  2. A rational critical thinker
  3. A lifelong curious learner
Language Canada has students that plan to study abroad in their near future or have returned from studying abroad and seek to maintain their English skills, hence our curriculum’s design. Our curriculum attempts to adapt to US’ Common Core State Standards (CCSS) to prepare, reinforce, and maintain students’ skills.

Our Vision and Belief - ICCI

It is our belief that we are here to further encourage our students to:
     Read and write skillfully and purposefully
     Demonstrate competence and confidence in speaking and listening
     Be discipline and persistent
     Cast a situation/challenge and problem solve it in a new perspective
     Keep an open mind and eagerness to learn
Students at Language Canada are reminded that learning is a “privilege” and not a “promise”.  We adapt

 Language Canada – Mission 

The mission of Language Canada aims at creating an English learning environment that fosters students to become:
  1. An effective communicator
  2. A rational critical thinker
  3. A lifelong curious learner
Language Canada has students that plan to study abroad in their near future or have returned from studying abroad and seek to maintain their English skills, hence our curriculum’s design. Our curriculum attempts to adapt to US’ Common Core State Standards (CCSS) to prepare, reinforce, and maintain students’ skills.

Our Vision and Belief - ICCI

It is our belief that we are here to further encourage our students to:
     Read and write skillfully and purposefully
     Demonstrate competence and confidence in speaking and listening
     Be discipline and persistent
     Cast a situation/challenge and problem solve it in a new perspective
     Keep an open mind and eagerness to learn
Students at Language Canada are reminded that learning is a “privilege” and not a “promise”.  We adapt the “ICCI” Model with students that wish to be part of this education community and strive to be:
     Imaginative – keeping their minds two steps ahead
     Critical Thinker – don’t stop with the “given” and the “obvious”; think outside the box
     Contributor – contribute to groups collaboratively with interpersonal skills
     Inventor – finding new ways of thinking and problem solving

LC – Curriculum & Critical Thinking

The main priorities of LC’s curriculums are catered to young English learners, from kindergarten to college students. Our programs are divided up to two main age groups – our Grade Level and ESL classes.
LC’s Grade Level classes ranges from the youngest learners, kindergarteners, to sixth graders, in which all new incoming students will be assessed for proper class placement. The curriculum of the Grade Level program may adapt the Common Core Standards (CCSS) via Journeys Textbook Materials for benchmark references. Similarly, our reading and writing classes focus more in-depth on enhancing and honing students reading comprehension skills to extend into overall writing skills. Main difference between Grade level program classes versus Reading and writing classes is the addition of a novel in the latter program.
LC’s ESL Program is targeted towards students with competent English skills looking to further extend and apply their English skills. More specifically, ESL programs are designed to honing and strengthening students’ English productive and research skills. Overall, every ESL class will produce one final research project per semester in which presentation and public speaking skills are exercised to improve the quality of students’ work.
All classes have assigned texts and materials that will focus on all four aspects of the English skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening). Teachers are expected to teach according to the course outlines and syllabi; extra activities and supplementary materials are encouraged per teacher's’ discretion. Although abstract, teachers are encouraged to challenge students’ critical thinking ability via course materials – reference examples below:
}  Problem solving allows students to discover, analyze, and solving problems to overcome obstacles and find a solution independently.
}  Activities:
       Fill-in-the Blank
       5Ws & H the “ICCI” Model with students that wish to be part of this education community and strive to be:
     Imaginative – keeping their minds two steps ahead
     Critical Thinker – don’t stop with the “given” and the “obvious”; think outside the box
     Contributor – contribute to groups collaboratively with interpersonal skills
     Inventor – finding new ways of thinking and problem solving

LC – Curriculum & Critical Thinking

The main priorities of LC’s curriculums are catered to young English learners, from kindergarten to college students. Our programs are divided up to two main age groups – our Grade Level and ESL classes.
LC’s Grade Level classes ranges from the youngest learners, kindergarteners, to sixth graders, in which all new incoming students will be assessed for proper class placement. The curriculum of the Grade Level program may adapt the Common Core Standards (CCSS) via Journeys Textbook Materials for benchmark references. Similarly, our reading and writing classes focus more in-depth on enhancing and honing students reading comprehension skills to extend into overall writing skills. Main difference between Grade level program classes versus Reading and writing classes is the addition of a novel in the latter program.
LC’s ESL Program is targeted towards students with competent English skills looking to further extend and apply their English skills. More specifically, ESL programs are designed to honing and strengthening students’ English productive and research skills. Overall, every ESL class will produce one final research project per semester in which presentation and public speaking skills are exercised to improve the quality of students’ work.
All classes have assigned texts and materials that will focus on all four aspects of the English skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening). Teachers are expected to teach according to the course outlines and syllabi; extra activities and supplementary materials are encouraged per teacher's’ discretion. Although abstract, teachers are encouraged to challenge students’ critical thinking ability via course materials – reference examples below:
}  Problem solving allows students to discover, analyze, and solving problems to overcome obstacles and find a solution independently.
}  Activities:
       Fill-in-the Blank

       5Ws & H



加語中心課程上甚麼? <Grade Level 國小篇> 很多家長到加語詢問課程, 除了理解我們對於邏輯思考力的開發專長之外 ,也會想要知道我們利用美國小學教材中素材及文體最豐富的Journeys, 如何幫助小孩在英文能力聽說讀寫能力的加強! 以下我們列出加語各級程度的學習目標供各位家長參考~有明確目標才能達到更好的學習效果! 歡迎聯絡測試程度 02-2715-1300   免費試上課程

2024 Summer Power up 暑期營開始招生

家長一直催促2024暑期營正招生中~ 4/3 0前報名繳費享 95 折優惠,兩人同行或是同時報名兩期課程享 9 折優惠 另有1-1量身訂製家教 歡迎預約 免費測試   LINE @fifatw(要加@)

2024 Winter Camp-Public Speaking Power up

⛄🏂 家長熱切詢問的 2024 寒假營 來了喔~ 針對G3+ 訓練聽讀寫+Public Speaking公共演說的全能班~  周一到周五上課 兩周兩個主題上課~可以單周報名 詳請請line @languagecanada  詢問 或電話 02-2715-1300